Supporting new use cases
At launch, the Smart Alert recognized most standard USA smoke and CO alarms. The ultimate promise was to recognize sounds throughout the home. I lead the design strategy to pave the way to the future while providing stepping stones in the present. I lead the effort to redesign the app experience to accommodate upcoming uses cases including more types of sound detection and a new security cam product that was in development.
New use cases from customers
- Alert me when my _________ alarm goes off
- Alert me of other sounds in my home (glass break, water leak, etc)
- Learn when i tell you something
- See what is happening in my home if I'm not around
Business directives
- Develop our sound recognition technology to provide unique insights into the home environment
- Integrate with a diverse set of devices (cameras, thermostats, security systems) while keeping the experience simple and enjoyable

Before Refresh

After Refresh

Future (new camera hardware)

App UI visualizes temperature using color